stubborn meaning in hindi


stubborn means difficult. It also means it does not work. It is the opposite of stupid. Stupid can be very helpful but stubborn can be very destructive. If you stubbornly keep trying to do something, if you stubbornly try to get anything done, then you will inevitably fail.

I like the way you use stubborn to say, “If you cannot do that, and that is a big problem, don’t do it. Make it work.” There’s a reason why you keep trying to get something done.

And with that, the end. In my opinion, it’s because of stubbornness that we don’t have a good future. We can’t make anything happen without it. We can’t get anything done without stubbornness. It is the reason that we are not able to get anything done. So, if you stubbornly keep trying to do something, you will inevitably fail.

When something does not work you stick to what you know and you try to push it down a certain path. This is what stubbornness does. By constantly trying to push something down a certain path, you will eventually be in a position where you cant really succeed. This is because if you push something down a certain path, it becomes hard to get you to go in that direction.

So, if you want to get rid of a lot of your stubbornness, it may be time to put a little bit of effort into trying to get rid of it. Because you have no control over it, you have to try to get rid of it. In other words, you have to try to get rid of it.

It’s good to know that you’re not your own boss. When you do this, you’ll find that your personality has taken hold, so you have to change your mind before you even realize it.

Sometimes stubborn ways of thinking come from inside our brains. But the real reason we get so stubborn is because we have no control over our minds. We can’t stop our minds from thinking stubbornly, so we need to learn how to override them. The way to do this is to find a book that has a lot of examples of how to override stubbornness in the real world.

In Hindi, hindi means stubborn. It is a way of speaking and thinking that is used in a variety of languages. Some people believe that hindi is a way of thinking, but it is not. Hindi is a lingua franca that has been around for centuries in India. It is not used in everyday language to mean “stubborn”.

Hindi is used to mean stubbornness in Hindi as “stubbornness” is a synonym for “stubborn”. In English, stubborn is “an obstinate or stubborn person.” In Hindi, stubborn is an adjective that means stubborn.


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