How Do You Choose the Perfect Manager for Your Company?

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The word manager suggests someone who manages the functioning of an entity such as a company. If you compare an organisation with a building, then a manager would be the equivalent of a pillar that supports the structure in its place. They make strategies and oversee their implementation daily. 

It isn’t always necessary to hire someone externally. One can select a manager from the current ranks in the company by identifying one’s DiSC profiles scores and empowering them with the proper training. 

It is vital to select the right person for this role, as it directly relates to an organisation’s success.

Why Is It Important?

How much impact can a manager have in an organisation? As it turns out, a lot. An article published in the Harvard Business Review points out one in two employees have left a job “to get away from their manager at some point in their career.” 

A single poor manager can cause a significant negative impact on a company’s profit and reputation. They can affect the core culture of the company, resulting in:

  • Increased stress and health issues
  • Unhappiness 
  • Absenteeism 
  • Degraded customer service 
  • Poor performance

How to Pick the Perfect Manager

1. Company Goals

Every company requires its mission and vision statements that help the organisation steer towards a particular direction. According to these statements, the long and short term goals are decided. And the one thing that directly affects the achievement of these goals is the company culture.

The type of culture desired in the company can happen through exemplary leadership and choosing the right people. Before hiring someone for a managerial post, keeping these factors in mind is necessary.

2. Fitting the Bill

Even before considering moving into the interview stage, pinpointing what the ideal candidate would look like is a good idea regarding skills, qualifications, and qualities. 

Based on the type of role the managerial candidate is supposed to undertake after joining, draw a list of expected core competencies. 

Here are a few things that you may consider focusing on: 

  • Analytical and strategic bent of mind 
  • Creativity 
  • Delegation ability 
  • Knack for persuasion 
  • Propensity to collaborate  

3. Conducting Interviews

After narrowing down the description and requirement of the ideal candidate, it’s now time for interviews. The key is to conduct as many interviews as possible. Irrefutably, this will give you a broader scope of selecting the perfect candidate for the position. 

This process can be done in-house or delegated to a professional recruitment agency. Doing so will save a lot of time and give you the chance to focus on the interviewing. For managerial posts, conducting one-to-one interviews is the best way to go. It provides an opportunity for in-depth evaluation, such as solving specialised tests.

4. Assessment 

Various tests can yield a robust understanding of a potential candidate’s core abilities and behavioural patterns, such as undertaking a DiSC profile assessment. There are primarily four main DiSC profiles – dominance, influence, steadiness, conscientiousness.

This type of assessment can uncover a managerial candidate’s behavioural and character traits and provide them with strategies to support long-term development. It is especially beneficial for selecting managers from lower ranks in the company.       

Finding the right manager for your company is a tough job that requires patience, clarity and expertise. A manager occupies a leadership role that affects the growth of the company. Hence, evaluating a potential candidate through pre-determined parameters is crucial.


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