मोटर निकालने का जुगाड़


I always find it interesting, and a bit strange, when I see people who are not religious (or at least have no connection to religion) describe God as a black or white figure, as a benevolent creator, or as a being whose will and will alone is all that is real. To me, the idea of a being that is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-good is not something that I would want to believe myself.

I think that if we had a God whose will and will is all that is real, we would have to be very careful about how we behaved. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful and all-good. We can have a God that is all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful and all-good. But we also need to be careful with what we do.

It was the early 90s when I first was exposed to the idea of a “God” that is all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful. I remember one friend of mine saying that he was afraid that we would have a God that is all-good, all-understanding and all-powerful, but I would try to be just a little bit cautious with my actions.

I remember thinking, “If I’m this God, I’ll be good. If I’m not, well, what am I?” But now I know that there is no such thing as a God that is all-good, all-understanding and all-powerful. There’s just a God that is all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful, and that’s all that matters.

Of course, there are all kinds of God’s out there.

That is the problem with modern life: we talk about God, then say that there is no such thing as God. This is a problem because it makes us think that we are a god, without actually being one. It’s like when you say “I am a god”, and then go around saying that you are not a god. It doesn’t matter if you are a god or not, because you are a person.

The problem with believing that you are a god and not having the knowledge to see that you are a person, is that we think we are gods. Its like when you say I am an angel and then go around saying that you are not an angel. It doesnt matter if you are an angel or not, because you are a person. We are all the same. We all have the same abilities, desires, and emotions. We all have the same fears, insecurities, and doubts.

The problem with the universe is that it gives us a version of God. What happens when God gives you a version of God? It happens. It happens. It happens. It happens. God is the best version of God.

It actually reminds me of one of the most famous passages of the bible, Romans 1:20, “For everything comes to pass whether we want it or not. The works of the law are written according to man’s will,” and also of the Bible’s God’s statement in Jeremiah 1:5, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Father, save me, I am perishing.

The bible says that God gives us a voice through the law to speak to Him. The voice of one crying in the wilderness is the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as such it has the power of a god as well. The voice of one crying in the wilderness is a way God calls us to come into his presence and be with him.


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