krishnar photos


This is not just a hobby for you, but a great way to make a living and a lot of money.

In fact, a few years ago, one of my best friends set up a company called Krishnar. It’s a photography business where you can shoot anything you want (and pay very little in either direction). That’s what I do, too.

In a nutshell, Krishnar is a site that sells your images for a very low rate. They aren’t as good as your standard photos, but a lot of the time they cost less than the price of a DSLR.

I remember when Krishnar was up and running. We were the only ones selling photos at first. I remember the first one I sold being a photo of my brother’s face. I paid $50 for the photo. I was so happy. I did about two dozen of them myself. After that, I found out it wasnt all that profitable.

Krishnar has since changed its business model, most notably by charging much more than a standard photo site. Now it has a more expensive fee structure, and a more limited selection of images. However, the site still makes money, and has some of the most unique content Ive seen for a money-back guarantee.

I was so happy and shocked when I saw the image I sold. I asked the company if the company had any images of my sons face. They said they didnt think so, but they would love to. I went back in and bought two more, and when I went back to the site they gave them to me. I had a blast using it.

This site has a lot of content that isn’t even free. It’s also a place where people can show off their best photos, videos, and other stuff to make money.

I dont know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to make money from my photography. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to maintain this site, but if you like what you see, please consider letting me know and I’ll take it out whenever I can.

If you are reading this, chances are you have a great photo or several. Maybe you took a photo of some random guy in the street that you thought was interesting and now you are trying to sell it. Or maybe you took a photo in a bar that you thought was interesting and now you are trying to sell it. Whatever the case is, you have a photo that you like and you want to sell it.

Now that is a business I think I would like to run. So if you are in this area, I want to hear from you. I will take any photos (and we can both try to sell them and I will take a cut of the sale) that you want to sell. I will also try to sell any photos that I like and have that I think will sell.


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