khatrimaza tel


khatrimaza tel is a beautiful Persian dish that is often served in Iran. It’s a combination of rice, cooked in a tomato sauce, topped with some nuts and raisins, and topped with an egg yolk. I love the combination of the two things (rice and tomato), and I think it pairs well with the rich, creamy cilantro sauce that is the base of this dish.

khatrimaza tel is served all over Iran, but really, it is mostly made by Iranian families, but they have started to become more of a common sight here in the States. One of the highlights of my trip to Iran was my delicious, home-cooked khatrimaza tel. The sauce really took me back to my homeland.

khatrimaza tel, which literally translates to “rice pudding,” is a dish made with rice, eggs, yogurt, and yogurt. The idea is to make a sort of rice pudding with the rice, and then add a little bit of yogurt. This is then topped off with lots of raisins and an egg yolk. It is generally served in restaurants and is a main dish on the menu at many Iranian restaurants.

It is a popular dish among people who love rice and eggs. Apparently the combination is supposed to enhance the rice, and therefore the dish. The people who are the most successful at using this recipe are probably the ones most addicted to it. One of my friends is a regular at this place, so I was sure I would enjoy it. I was not disappointed. It is a wonderful, fluffy rice pudding, and a great choice for a casual meal.

The main dish at this place is a mixture of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. It is delicious.

The problem with rice pudding is that the mixture can get grainy. If you want to make a good rice pudding, you need to add a bit of cream to the mixture.

The problem with rice pudding is that it can get grainy. If you want to make a good rice pudding, you need to add a bit of cream to the mixture. You could also add a bit of sugar, but I think the rice pudding at this place is already very sweet, so I think that would just add to its texture.

I think the problem with rice pudding is that it is too much of a sweet dessert. That’s the only reason I can think of that would make a good rice pudding.

Personally, I think rice pudding is a good dessert. I would add a bit of sugar, but I think its texture would still be nice.

In a way it is a little bit like the other rice-based recipes I’ve tried and the difference is that you add sugar, cream, and salt to a rice pudding. I think it would be great to use rice pudding as a dessert, but I don’t think the texture would be as good as with other recipes.


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