5 Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Tips To Optimize Conversion & ROAS

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Get the best results out of your Facebook ad campaign by targeting the right section of customers. Keep reading to find out how!

Research from Statista showed that Facebook earned nearly $86 billion in 2020 from its advertising services, accounting for overwhelmingly 98% of the overall profit. This number illustrates how the world’s most popular social media app turns into an effective marketing platform.

However, raising the conversion rate and increasing ROAS with a Facebook-based campaign is not simple, especially for those without experience in the industry. If you want to make the most out of your ad sales, let’s have a look at these worth-noting tips on Facebook ad targeting.

5 Tips To Boost Sales Growth Through Facebook Ad Targeting

1. Determine unicorn content

Unicorn content refers to a particular post, video, or photo of your brand that has gone viral on the Internet. It is not judged based on keyword optimization, readability, or great story-telling but rather through analytical metrics. The more interactions it managed to extract from users in the past, the more chances it has to be trendy again. Once you have identified your business’s unicorn content, make necessary adjustments so it fits in with the Facebook ads.

For example, the original content was a written text. This time, turn it into a short clip under 15 seconds to showcase on the Facebook Story feature. Or you might want to reformat the ad copy into several carousels and make it a Facebook post. Not only does this process spare the time and effort required for brainstorming new ideas, but in most cases, it also guarantees a similarly high-performing ad.

2. Exploit Facebook Audience Insights

Facebook offers a pool of information regarding the name, age, hobbies and interests, jobs, geographic location, etc., of its users. A simple click on Facebook Audience Insights dashboard will provide you with the ins and outs of literally every account you wish to see. Everything from the pages they like to the groups they join will be accessible within seconds.

Even better, the included filters help you narrow down your ideal target audience and achieve a solid understanding of the people you are trying to sell products to. Before you leave, remember to save the potential accounts, so all details are stored for later use.

3. Retarget with Custom Audiences


Custom Audiences is a feature allowing you to put in your own target audience, which makes it excellent for ads aiming at shoppers who showed a degree of interest in your past campaigns. 

Here, feel free to toy with different targeting options until you form a specific group of accounts that are most likely to make a purchase. They can either be existing customers who have not bought anything else for quite some time or curious customers clicking on your ads but making no further attempt. All you need is to look into the following sources for concrete groundwork.

  • Facebook: All activities done by users on this platform are reserved in the database. You get to see who follows your page, who likes your posts, or watches through your videos.
  • App: For app-based businesses, relevant data includes subscribers, one-time customers, loyal customers, and cart abandonment customers.
  • Offline: If you own a mortar-and-brick store, consider putting in your customers’ information and see if your ads could reach them online.
  • Website: Link the Facebook ad campaign to your website and let it gather things like email addresses, phone numbers, or items purchased by those visiting your listings.

Once you insert everything, make sure to skim through the list and weed out any useless leads. If possible, you should contact a Facebook Ads agency for further advice on how to take advantage of your current traffic.

4. Perform layered targeting

Standard targeting strategies only touch the surface with the three main options, including interests, behaviors, and demographics. By diving deep into each category and mixing things up, your brand can benefit from having a hyper-target audience. What’s more, it allows you to deliver relatable content that appeals to customers personally. Let’s have a look at how it works.

Your brand’s signature products are fashionable jewelry for young couples. Using behaviors, you find out a group of people following your competitor’s fan page, who also offers jewelry but on much higher pricing. From there, you run a demographics check to pick out those interested in buying accessories but are still in college, hence less money to spend. Another filter in demographics points out those who are currently in a relationship. 

At the end of the process, you get hold of a specific target audience in need of affordable couple jewelry. Needless to say, plotting the content and visuals of the next campaign based on these high-intent potential consumers is much easier and more effective than randomly displaying your ads around.

5. Blend different groups of customers


While a broad target audience means your brand gets a lot of impressions, it usually fails to translate into conversions. To seal the deal, the key lies in ensuring each ad is customized to the customers’ attention, thus persuading them to take action.

And what is a better way to please your customers than featuring their preferences in your paid content?

For example, you find out from Facebook Audience Insights that many people liking your page also share one common trait. It might be a movie, a book, or a particular event in real life. Try to create a correlation by choosing the most well-known facts of that particular interest and making them your ads’ central theme. Even if these ads do not bring back instant returns, they will eventually pay off as a way to reinforce your business image.


The tricks mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Facebook ad campaigns. For those who want to know more about the best ways to target shoppers and deliver high-performing content, check out www.olifantdigital.com for more!


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