कल्याण निघत चार्ट


Our daily habits and routines become our daily selves. We don’t do anything to change something until we realize it doesn’t matter as much as we thought it did.

It’s the same thing in life. We have to learn to realize that we don’t have to be happy all of the time because happiness in itself is not enough. Happiness is relative, and we have to acknowledge that it’s not our happiness that matters. We can’t ever truly achieve any level of happiness if we dont recognize that we are not our happiness.

You can always be happy once you get your life back on track. When you are happy, you are happy. In this case, we have to find out what it takes to be happy once you get your life back on track.

When you are in the happy place, you are happy. When you are in the world of happiness you are free. When you are in the world of freedom you are still free, but not for very long. Once you are free, you are free to be happy again.

We are all happy once we attain our goals. Our happiness is the most important thing that we have. When we are in the happy place, we want to be happy. When we are in the world of happiness we want to be in the world of freedom. When we are in the happy place, we are in the world of freedom. When we are in the world of freedom we are still free, but not for very long.

That’s how it works in the real world. Once we become wealthy enough, our freedoms become more and more worthless. At some point, we stop seeing our freedoms as important, and we just stop caring about them. We just want to live our lives to the fullest, but we don’t care about what makes us happy anymore. Our lives are completely dominated by the need to get our way.

This is the problem with being in a happy place. We are constantly fighting to get what we want. If we do not want to be happy we will not be happy. We want to live a life where we are happy and we want others to have the same. To live our lives to the fullest, we need to be happy first. This means we have to fight harder to get what we want. This is the world of freedom.

Freedom is the ability to do whatever we want. The key to freedom is having the courage to not only speak our mind, but to fight. This is the life of the free man. This means having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win.

This is the world of freedom.Freedom is the ability to do whatever we want. The key to freedom is having the courage to not only speak our mind, but to fight. This is the life of the free man. This means having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win.

The key to freedom is having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win. This is the life of the free man. This means having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win. This is the life of the free man. This means having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win. This is the life of the free man. This means having the courage to speak your mind and to fight to win. This is the life of the free man.


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